The Modern Guide To Witchcraft

Our go to literature source when it comes to someone looking to begin their new path! One of the first & easiest things you can do is to research and learn. There are hundreds of books and websites which can help with this, but here at Fantasy and Reality we love the Modern Guide range of books.

The Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Looking for your first Tarot deck? Looking for a Tarot Deck for someone just starting out? Then look no further than the Original Rider Waite Smith deck.

Spell Candles

Like a mechanic every witch needs a toolbox full of things! And no witches toolbox is complete without spell candles!

Altar Cloth

Every witch needs their space to practice their magick or dedicate to their chosen deity. And no space is complete without an Altar Cloth

Book of Shadows

As you progress through your chosen path your Book of Shadows will be your companion throughout. Documenting your progress with everything from rituals, spells, personal thoughts/feelings and more.