For thousands of years we have been told that God was a man. Then someone reminded us of when God was a woman. Now we have a reference for the sensible folk who have always felt that it takes two. If you have ever thought there was more to religion than ancient rituals performed for reasons unknown this book will show you exactly what you have been looking for. If you have already come to the realisation that Wicca is the religion for you this book will help fill those many blanks that have been left by other books. Drew makes no attempt to dictate religious dogma or routine. He is quick to point out that the title does not start with the word 'the.' He illustrates the many issues a person's religion should address and shows how he has been able to find answers to those issues through the practice of a modern religion that was based on some of the oldest principles of the ancient world. A WICCAN BIBLE takes you through the journey of life in three stages: Maiden and Master: Creation Wiccaning and Self-dedication. Mother and Father: Initiation Handfasting/Handparting and the Wheel of the Year. Crone and Sage: Community the world and death.